From the 6th to the 9th of January, the two PhD students attended the QRA Annual Discussion Meeting, hosted by Newcastle University. This years theme being ‘Quaternary Insights: Linking the Past, Present and Future’. Many interesting oral sessions and poster sessions were held. And, both PhDs presented a poster on (preliminary) results.
Poster: Mapping the Axial Channel, southern North SeaPoster: Mapping Late Quaternary channel systems in the southern North Sea
Keynote presentations:
Wiley Keynote Speaker: Prof. Nina Kirchner with “Processes in glacial and emerging post-glacial landscapes in the Arctic – recent examples from Sweden and the northern Greenland Ice Sheet margin”
QRA Keynote Speaker: Dr. Celia Martin-Puertas with “Co-production of palaeoclimate knowledge to support near-term climate predictions”
Noses Point at Seaham by Dave Roberts, Bethan Davies and Seb Pitman
WALDO’s PhD students participated in the QRA postgraduate symposium 2024, which was held between August 29 and 31 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Co-hosted by Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University, this conference included postgraduate talks and a poster session by early career Quaternary researchers. The students had the opportunity to have a workshop on age-depth modelling using radiocarbon dates, a guided tour of the 14Chrono Centre, interact with experts in the field, and a field trip dedicated to the Quaternary records present within the Irish landscape.
Keynote speakers:
1) From the Quaternary to defective concrete: a career journey in the geosciences
Prof. Paul Dunlop (Research Director for the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Ulster University).
2) Only time will tell: the importance of chronology in Quaternary Science
Prof. Gill Plunkett (Professor in the School of Natural and Built Environment, Culture and Society, Queen’s University Belfast).
Presentation and workshop on Age-depth modelling using Bayesian statistics
Prof. Maarten Blaauw (School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast).
Field trip:
A) Lough Beg Lake at Newferry and Dead Island Bog SAC
Prof. Helen Roe (Professor in the School of Natural and Built Environment, Culture and Society, Queen’s University Belfast) and David Hatton (PhD researcher).
B) Giant’s Causeway – World Heritage Site
Prof. Andrew Cooper (Professor of Coastal Studies, School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Ulster University).
On the 15-19th of April, the EGU 2024 conference took place in Vienna (Austria). Morgan, one of the PhD students on the WALDO-project, presented preliminary results from a study area in the North Axial Channel (Southern North Sea). Both reflection-seismic data and cores were shown in a poster presentation, where some nice discussions and great talks followed.
The coming summer months will be busy for the WALDO project: core analysis (XRF) at the NIOZ institute (Texel, The Netherlands) in the beginning of May; (preparation for) the third WALDO survey with the RV Belgica in August; the QRA symposium at the end of August. Stay tuned by following the blog on the website, and our Instagram/Facebook page!
On Wednesday 6th of March the WALDO team attended the annual VLIZ Marine Science Day. The day was filled with pre-doc presentations, poster sessions during the breaks and workshops on climate/pollution/ecology.
The two PhD students presented preliminary results with a poster presentation. A few people interested in marine geology came by, as well as some members of the Seascapes Past & Future group (VLIZ) and other geologists. This lead to some nice discussions and interesting talks!
Poster: “Understanding the palaeogeographic evolution of the North Axial Channel, southern North Sea”Poster: “Searching for seismic and sedimentary evidence for proglacial lakes during the last glaciation: First observations in the areas south of Dogger Bank and Oyster Ground (southern North Sea)”
While withstanding the heatwave in Rome, the two PhD students managed to present their posters. Some lovely chats with multiple (North Sea) interested scientists lead to new ideas an opportunities for the WALDO-project. On Thursday & Friday 7-8th September, we will attend the QRA Postgraduate Symposium (online). The current state of the project and some preliminary results will be shown, in the hope of starting a nice discussion with other postgraduate researchers.
The WALDO project and some preliminary results were presented at the BELQUA Conference (7th of March) and at the VLIZ PhD Symposium (23th of March) by Morgan Vervoort and Despina Kyriakoudi, respectively.
Presentation at the BELQUA ConferencePresentation at the VLIZ PhD Symposium
Both PhD students will also present at the upcoming INQUA conference (14-20 July 2023). Make sure to come by both poster presentations and have a talk with them!
The 27th annual Postgraduate Symposium was organized by the Quaternary Research Association and hosted by Sheffield Hallam University on the theme: ‘Postgraduate Research within Quaternary Science’.