WALDO is a Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) funded project looking for the hypothesised proglacial lakes in the North Sea during the last three glaciations – the Elster (500-300 kyr), Saale (300-130 kyr) and Weichsel (115-11.7 kyr).
It is led by both the Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG) of Ghent University and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ).
Although the existence of large proglacial lakes during these last glaciations is largely accepted by the scientific community, direct evidence of these proglacial lakes in the southern North Sea remains fragmentary or elusive.
With this project, through the use of existing and newly-acquired high-resolution geophysical data, combined with core sampling, we will examin the hypothesis that proglacial lakes were important landscape features in the southern North Sea.