On the 15th of September, a two-project combined survey started, including a first survey for the WALDO-project. In this survey we aimed to visit multiple sites: the Brown Bank and Axial Channel area and from the Axial Channel towards the Outer Silver Pit area. Unfortunately due to bad weather the first couple of days, the survey planning had to change a lot. But, we’re happy about the first TOPAS and multi-channel sparker data we already achieved in the Axial Channel. Furthermore, we already managed to take 10 vibrocores of more then 2m (with a maximum of 2.65m!).
Today is the 22th of September and we are planning to take a few more cores in the Axial Channel. An hopefully, on the last days we will complete our TOPAS-grid/sparker-grid on the Axial Channel and TOPAS-grid towards the Outer Silver Pit. And hopefully, the weather stays as good as yesterday!