Hello dear readers,
My name is Jasper Desmet. I am a geology student from the University of Gent, currently in the last year of my master’s degree. I was given the opportunity by VLIZ and UGent to join this expedition for the WALDO project on the RV Belgica as a volunteer, and gladly took it. As of writing this, we are wrapping up the final measurements and heading back to port, which makes this the perfect time to reflect on the past ten days at sea.
The majority of the work conducted during this expedition was the collection of seismic data. The TOPAS (and multibeam) was always recording whenever the ship was moving, and it rarely isn’t. Furthermore, data was also collected using the multi-channel sparker system, although high waves limited the time interval in which it could be used. While the equipment operates smoothly, it must be manned 24/24h to deal with unexpected circumstances if they were to arise. For me, this meant waking up around 5:30 AM every day to aid during the morning shift from 6 to 12 AM, together with Morgan Vervoort, a PhD student from UGent as well. The start of the shift was usually spent in relative solitude until about 7:30 AM; when other scientists slowly joined us in the lab, to attend to their various duties.

The other type of data collected were seafloor samples taken with the VLIZ vibrocorer. The locations of these cores were carefully selected by the researchers in charge of the project, based on data from previous expeditions. My task was to aid in splitting the cores in 1 m sections and correctly labelling the cores on deck. The next step is then to split these cores into halves. One half is immediately photographed and described, the other is stored and kept as archives for later analysis in the lab. We managed to split a great number, but not all, of the cores while still on board during a day of calm seas. The rest will be handled at VLIZ/UGent.

Outside of working hours there was not a whole lot to do. With no phone connection and limited internet, I spend my free time working on school assignments or simply resting in my cabin. The occasional visit to the ship’s gym allowed for some necessary exercise.
In conclusion; it was a fun experience and great learning opportunity, that I would recommend to anyone getting the chance to join during their studies!