WALDO’s PhD students participated in the QRA postgraduate symposium 2024, which was held between August 29 and 31 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Co-hosted by Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University, this conference included postgraduate talks and a poster session by early career Quaternary researchers. The students had the opportunity to have a workshop on age-depth modelling using radiocarbon dates, a guided tour of the 14Chrono Centre, interact with experts in the field, and a field trip dedicated to the Quaternary records present within the Irish landscape.
Keynote speakers:
1) From the Quaternary to defective concrete: a career journey in the geosciences
Prof. Paul Dunlop (Research Director for the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Ulster University).
2) Only time will tell: the importance of chronology in Quaternary Science
Prof. Gill Plunkett (Professor in the School of Natural and Built Environment, Culture and Society, Queen’s University Belfast).
Presentation and workshop on Age-depth modelling using Bayesian statistics
Prof. Maarten Blaauw (School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast).
Field trip:
A) Lough Beg Lake at Newferry and Dead Island Bog SAC
Prof. Helen Roe (Professor in the School of Natural and Built Environment, Culture and Society, Queen’s University Belfast) and David Hatton (PhD researcher).
B) Giant’s Causeway – World Heritage Site
Prof. Andrew Cooper (Professor of Coastal Studies, School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Ulster University).